
This is work for the graduate exhibition of Fine Arts. Each image is linked to the others, and they unfold the story of what happens in a room.

1) An ego in the society lives with diverse identities. The characters of such identities are arbitrarily defined by standards of others (like the numbers on the door-112121, 152822…). When one enters the door with the assigned number, the ‘room’ of an ego’s identity. Within it things and situations take place that cannot be discerned to be real or a dream.

2) At places in the rooms of identities are the traces of the ‘chaser’ and the ‘chased’. The chaser is Intangible PipeMan whose shape cannot be seen. He is a shapeless existence like the ‘reality’ in society. The chased(the red shoes) wanders around many rooms looking for places to hide. But eventually this Pipeman also burns his pipe in the picture frame of the room of an identity. ‘I’ run from places to places in order to escape from the reality, but in the end, ‘reality’ is also a part of my identity.

1원본 4.jpg